The Society's Library collection comprises family genealogy, diaries, and manuscripts; church, cemetery, and bible records; books, clippings, and on local and county history, the Revolutionary War, and historic architecture; postcards, photos, videos, atlases, and maps.
The Library and Archives collection is now available.
Thursdays - 12:00-3:00 pm and every third Tuesday - 6:00-8:00 pm
Hours: Also by appointment. Check back for updates to the schedule. BCHS library volunteers make the collection available. BCC closes the building on Fridays for the summer. Visit: VisitBCHSLlibrary@gmail.com
This is made possible through a partnership between BCC and BCHS. Location: The Philip J. Ciarco Jr. Learning Center, 355 Main St, Rm 124, Hackensack, NJ.
Thank you Bergen Community College!
Visit: VisitBCHSlibrary@gmail.com
Research Queries: thebchslibrary@gmail.com
I. Published/Bound Books & Pamphlets
A. Church Histories & Records
B. Social, Industrial, History & Geography (House Histories)
C. Vital Records, Deeds, Colonial Conveyances
D. Census
E. Colonial & Revolutionary War
F. New Netherland, Dutch & New York
G. New Jersey & NJ Military
H. Counties
I. Local
J. Genealogies
K. Biography & Fiction
L. Oversized (tax: lists, New Harlem Register)
II. Special Collections
A. New Jersey Archive Series
B. Year Books of the Holland Society
C. High School Year Books
D. Bibles
E. Harper's Weekly Magazine (in storage)
F. Political/Military (G. W. Letters, Clinton Papers, Colonial Docs.)
III. Manuscripts
A. Bertholf Family Genealogy ::
B. Cornelius Board Genealogy .
C. Westervelt Law Office Papers
D. Peter Henderson Papers and Notes
E. Claire K. Tholl Collection (in storage)
F. BCHS Historic Markers Program
G. Fred W. Bogert Papers
H. Scrapbooks of the Colony Club of Hack en sack 1929-95
I. William Walter Phelps Estate
1. Deed Abstracts
2. Property Records
3. Maps (Rolled, Uncatalogued)
J. Rare/Unique Documents (on microfilm @ Ridgewood & Johnson P.L.*)
K. Diaries (Maria Ferdon)
IV. Vertical/Miscellaneous Files - Alphabetically Arranged by Subject
A. Newspaper Clippings
B. Deeds
C. Paper Ephemera
D. Card Files (Rev. War Vets, Cemeteries)
V. Visuals
A. Postcards
B. Photographs
1. Albums by Town
2. Envelopes by Town
3. Unsorted Portraits
4. Slides by Town
5. Unsorted Slides
6. Framed
C. Artwork (Broadsides, Posters)
D. Video
E. Included in Special Collections (Bertholf)
VI. Maps & Atlases (by format)
A. Rolled Maps (Clinton, Erskine, 1834 Coastal)
B. Flat (USGS, Fragments, Reprints)
C. Wall
D. Bound Atlases
1. 1876 Walker
2. 1893 Hudson River
3. 1902 Robinson
4. 1912-3 Bromley
5. Sanborn Insurance Co. Atlases
VII. Periodicals
A. Americana Magazine (ca. 1913-1946)
B. Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society (aka "New Jersey History Magazine")
C. Proceedings of the Bergen County Historical Society (1902-1922 & 1970-1977/88)
D. "In Bergen's Attic"
E. Magazine of the Genealogical Society of New Jersey
F. Irregulars
1. David A. Demarest Assoc.
2. Rockland Co. Historical Society
3. Upper Saddle River Historical Society
4. American Archaeological Society
5. "Relics" (Pascack Valley Historical Society)
6. "Half Moon" (NY Holland Society)
7. Staten Island Historian
G. Newspapers
1. "Merritt Dispatch"
2. "Fair Lawn & Paramus Clarion" 1928-42 (in storage)
3. Misc. Loose Papers (for Birth Year Info)
4. "The Remembrancer" 1775-80 (on microfilm**)
5. "The Landscape" 1882-1901 (on microfilm***)
6. "Paterson Weekly Press" 1869-75 (on microfilm****)
VIII. Microforms
A. Historic American Buildings Survey (B.A.B.S.)
B. Clinton Papers
C. B.C. Tax Records 1779-1822
D. B.C. Deed Books - A,B,&C
E. G.W. Papers
F. Budke Collection - B.C. Road Returns Book A
G. Wm. M. Johnson (State Sen.) Clippings, photos, misc.
H. Howe Orderly Book - Nov. 1776
I. Moderates in Crisis - The Track of Leadership in Rev. V A
J. BCHS Manuscript Collection*
K. "The Remembrancer" 1775-80 (on microfilm**)
L. "The Landscape" 1882-1901 (on microfilm***)
M. "Paterson Weekly Press" 1869-75 (on microfilm****)
IX. Bibles
The Bergen County Historical Society
Genealogy Collection
The Society boasts a collection of over 200 genealogies many of which are not available at any other library venue.
This collection of genealogies is augmented by a vertical file and a manuscript collection also rich in Bergen County family history.
The BCHS genealogies are located in one area of our library: 929.2 and are then filed alphabetically by family name.
Click here for genealogy list.